Monday, August 31, 2009

Carte Blanch Wrap Party

Well it feels good to say that another local feature is finally in the can, Carte Blanche. This films crew had its wrap party just last Saturday at one of the houses in Bakersfield were most of the film takes place. It was a fun experince watching some of the outtakes and slides. Matt Kieley directed this film and wrote the bad boy. I also got the chance to play a small role in the film. And got to boom some of the film.
The film stars Coryn Mcbride who I also had a chance to work with in the movie Who Hit Me. Coryn also acts and directs in local theatre. If you get a chance stop by the Melodrama here in Bakersfield and check her out. Carte Blanche is in the final stages of editing. When I asked Matt when the film was going to be finished he kindly punched me in my nutsack. All joking aside this films release has still not been determind, but Matt did say before he punched me that it will be soon. So keep checking back, I'll keep you posted. Thanks Matt for a great party and awesome strippers.

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Wednesday, April 08, 2009

Dead Things local horror movie

Horror fans the wait is almost up. As we work nights on end to bring you a horror movie that is promising. This film by DT Carney was filmed locally and includes big names like Fellisa Rose and Brinke Stevens. The movie has three stories about a small town. The movie includes witches, a killer and every ones favorite ZOMBIES! The film was shot a few years ago and landed in our lap the middle of last year. Although we didn't even know DT when the movie was actually shot we have jumped aboard and try to combine our talent with this project. Here is a teaser trailer of the film.


Well if you liked the trailer stop by and leave a comment. Or check out the films myspace.
We will be giving you more updates as they come.


Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Carte Blanche a Film by Matt Kieley

Any film makers wishing they could finish shooting their feature? Well Matt Kieley did and from the teaser trailers (at the bottom of the blog) it really looks like a good film. I worked with Matt a little bit in this film for a few sexual favors... (Just kidding). In an interview I had with Matt just after we finished up a scene he seemed a little less stressed and more sure of his project then ever. He even took his shirt off during the interview! (Not kidding that time) The video interview with Matt and some of the cast should be up soon.

OK, I know you wanna know what the movie is about, right? Well sucks for you cause I'm not telling. But Matt's myspace for Carte Blanche will:

Carte Blanche is the first feature film by Writer/Director Matt Kieley, starring Coryn McBride. With Brandon Nebitt, Chris DeBondt, Rickey Bird, Katie Metz and Julie Jordan Scott. Synopsis: After being dumped by her boyfriend, Helena finds herself desperately trying to connect to new people, as she struggles between getting over her ex, and winning him back. (Pulled from the Myspace)

Now I know what your thinking. Why would I want to see this movie? We'll because I said to see it and you do whatever I say! No but if you have ever filmed or tried to film any type of video, from an Internet short to a full length feature. You need to check this out. This movie was done with very little cash flow and still seems to pack a pretty big bang. And I'm not saying that because I helped out on the project. I'm just saying from what I've seen, it is shot very well. The completion of this project should motivate other filmmakers to finish there projects. Remember you can do it! Don't give up! Even if your parents aren't rich and can't buy you all kinds of expensive equipment... Film with whatever you have!! Back to Carte Blanche. Here are some of the trailers from the movie.

Teaser #1 from Carte Blanche on Vimeo.

Teaser #2 from Carte Blanche on Vimeo.


Saturday, November 17, 2007


This is a short film from Matt Kieley.

The Art Of Suicide

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This film was shot in Bakersfield! If you know of any films in Bakersfield send them to

Monday, September 10, 2007


5 Stars!!!

I watched a film the other night that I think was great. I went over to my buddy Aaron's to watch his latest foreign film he picked up from work. I would have to give this film a pretty high rating (hell I gave the thing 5 stars). Watching this film really opened my mind on the whole terrorist life and this film really painted a new picture of my whole out look on sucide bombers. Paradise Now follows Palestinian childhood friends Said and Khaled who live in Nablus and have been recruited for suicide attacks in Tel Aviv. It focuses on what would be their last days together.

The film is very beautiful, the shots are amazing and the whole story really sucks you in. Could you image people you trusted telling you that you would have to die for something but you weren't able to tell your family? One line that stood out in the movie for me was when one of the men asked, "what will happen after the explosion?". The man answers, "Two angels will come for you." Wow that is some crazy stuff. He goes on to tell them that they will be heroes?! All I can say that if you haven't seen this movie you really need too. Remember though this movie is all in subtitles so.... That may be a downer for some. Anyway check it out.

Here is some more info on the film PARADISE NOW

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Monday, September 03, 2007

New Rambo Movie

With all the sequels and remakes coming out I really didn't think there was any movies left to make sequels to. Then a friend at work told me that they were making a new RAMBO movie. I could believe that Sylvester Stallone was physical able to act in the whole movie. I mean he is pretty old. But hey he is still in the game remaking his old movies. Rumor has it that Sylvester Stallone is even directing it. Crazy. Any who check out this trailer it was really a pain in the but to find. Warning it is a little graphic.

John Rambo Video @

After watching that trailer I really can't wait to see this movie. It looks pretty sweet! I really like when he blows away that guy with the machine gun. Crazy.

Check out more stuff on Hectic Films

John Rambo a Vietnam War veteran has had his fare share of ordeals and has now withdrawn to a simple life in Bangkok. As usual trouble have a way of finding Rambo and this time it's a group of human rights missionaries who wants to rent his boat to travel up the river to Burma. Burma have for the last fifty years been like a war zone, the farmers have struggled to stay alive from the brutally oppressive Burmese military. After some consideration Rambo accepts the offer and takes the missionaries up the river, as soon as the missionaries' arrive in Burma they are attacked by the military. Some of the villagers and missionaries are tortured and viciously murdered while the rest are held as captives. The news soon reaches Rambo who embarks on a rescue effort with five young mercenaries at his disposal.

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Monday, June 18, 2007

Stupid Kids Productions

Films in Bakersfield Blog

When I first heard the name Stupid Kid Productions (SKP) I was thought that we had another GAG Films on our hands (Which by the way GAG Films has some hilarious new shorts you should check out). But when I started watching their films on-line; I would have to say, I was pretty impressed. They have a unique darker style that is starting to get more creditability. They just started shooting a short that they are actually getting paid for… Awesome! I don't want to leak out too much info but here are some pictures of their newest short.

The guys from SKP are defiantly going places.
I would recommend their latest THE KILL 8 (Video Below).
Warning this isn't for the little ones!

The Kill 8

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